PinnedResume untuk Pelajar dan Fresh Graduate : Sebuah Cerita, Panduan, Tips untuk memulai membuat…Artikel ini akan diupdate secara berkala. Terakhir diupdate : 02/06/2021Jun 2, 2021Jun 2, 2021
My First Ever Hackathon Experience in Kargo ExcellerateLast week I just finished my first ever hackathon and decide to share the experienceAug 24, 2022Aug 24, 2022
Magang Kampus Merdeka : an experience more than just than internshipsMSIB for most people is just an intern. But behind the curtain there is a lot of things happening and incidentally, I was part of itFeb 20, 2022Feb 20, 2022
Persona. desain untuk semua user tanpa kesulitan mendesain untuk semua userPersona adalah sebuah representasi pengguna dalam bentuk individu imajiner yang memuat rangkuman singkat mengenai karakteristik…Jun 7, 2021Jun 7, 2021
Docker this Docker that. I finally know what docker is.As a software engineer you might have heard Docker. but really, what is it? this article will talk about the basic of Docker that might…May 24, 2021May 24, 2021
Clean code i don’t really know before my first team project. Case Django.Table of Contents:Apr 5, 2021Apr 5, 2021